mandag 26. desember 2016

40 and counting...

Huhei, jeg har visst fyllt 40 år siden siste blogginnlegg!! Det var en skikkelig trivelig helg, med bl.a en kjekk vennefest. Ikke noe problem å gå inn i det nye tiåret når man har så flotte folk å gjøre det med :-)

En standard sjokoladekake er lett å style med sjokoladekunst (samme teknikk som Marcus og Martinus-kaka). Mønsteret laget jeg i Photoshop.

I've entered a new decade since my last blog post. Now I'm actually in my 40s! Having enjoyed entering both my 20s and 30s, I have no fears of what's to come now either ;-) For my celebration, I baked (among others) a chocolate art cake. The pattern was made in Photoshop, flipped horizontally, printed, covered with wax paper and decorated with melted chocolate. Once hardened in the fridge, it's easy to place it on top of the cake.

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